Ajna Borogovac

About me: I have received my PhD at Columbia University. The focus of my research interests is development and application of Arterial Spin Labeling MRI.

Published/In-Press Papers:

JCBFM 2010: Mapping Brain Function Using a 30-day Inverval Between Baseline and Activation: A Novel Arterial Spin Labeling fMRI Approach
HBM 2009: Separating Function From Structure in Perfusion Imaging of the Aging Brain
MRM 2008: Regression Algorithm Correcting for Partial Volume Effects in Arterial Spin Labeling MRI
JCBFM 2007: Multivariate and Univariate Analysis of Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion MRI in Alzheimer's
Neuroimage 2007: An Investigation of Statistical Power for Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling at 1.5T

In Preparation:

IJBI 2011: Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) fMRI: Advantages, theoretical limitations and experimental challenges in neurosciences

Published Abstracts:

ISMRM 2009: Detection of CBF Changes due to Activation over 1 Month Using ASL fMRI
ISMRM 2009: Partial Volume Correction and Functional ASL
HBMO 2009: Constraints in Absolute Quantification of CBF using ASL fMRI
HBMO 2009: Using Perfusion fMRI to Identify Brain Mechanisms of Social Evaluative Threat
ISMRM 2008: Dependence of Functional ASL MRI Signal on Number of Slice Acquisitions
ISMRM 2008: Detecting Age Related Changes in Resting CBF Using CASL MRI
Neuroscience 2008: Simultaneous MRI Measurement of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced CBV and ASL CBF in Healthy
ICAD 2008: Correcting for Partial Volume Effects in Perfusion MRI of Alzheimer's Disease
ICAD 2008: Superior AD Diagnosis by Combination of Partial Volume Effects Corrections and Multivariate Analysis
ISMRM 2007: Identification of a Multivariate Biomaker of Alzheimer's Disease with ASL
ISMRM 2007: Detecting CBF Changes Distant From Cerebral Infarct (Diaschisis) Using CASL MRI
ISMRM 2007: Effects of 48 hr Sleep Deprivation on CBF Measured with ASL MRI
Neuroscience 2007: Depression of CBF in Alzheimer's Disease and Mild Cognitive Impaired Patients using ASL Perfusion MRI
ICAD 2007: Spatial Patterns in CBF Depression in Alzheimer's Disease from Multi-variate Analysis of CASL MR